Monday, December 14, 2009

John Celebrates his big 4-0!!

I surprised John with a trip to San Francisco for his 40th birthday! We went into the city and spent a few nights! We went to one of our favorite restaurants, Roy's, for dinner. Then we went to the broadway play "Wicked"! It was so good! I would highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking about seeing it! We had a great, relaxing time together! John really deserved some time to relax! He is such and awesome husband and father. He works so hard to provide a good life for us and we love him so much! We all wish you a very Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

John and me at dinner!

A Birthday wish from Roy's!

Me and John in the theatre during intermission!

Boo Hoo...we are waiting for the train to go home! There were "Wicked" ads everywhere! We had a wonderful time! Happy Birhtday, John!!!


  1. Happy Birthday John - it sounds like you had a great weekend! Sammie your turn is next!
